Aging and Long-Term Care

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the systemic failings in many Canadian long-term care (LTC) residences and galvanized organizations to work together to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.

This working group was formed in February, 2021 to lead our club’s advocacy actions related to LTC and the broader societal issues that relate to Aging, including age discrimination and other models for LTC.  The message coming from experts at national, provincial, and local levels is clear:  public pressure on elected officials must be maintained to make sweeping changes.

To date, working group members have attended many webinars and, along with CFUW Windsor and CFUW Oakville, promoted CFUW Stratford’s “Long-Term Care in Ontario Survey”.  Other actions include: reaching out to larger organizations, writing letters to local MPPs, providing club members with information and sample letters in club newsletters and on social media, meeting with Kitchener-Conestoga MP Tim Louis, reading Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission’s Final Report (April 30, 2021), and continuing to learn more about national standards and principles, aging at home, and alternate models.

Future actions include:  developing background papers and questions to ask candidates in upcoming elections, hosting the current and incoming Executive Director of the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging at a general meeting, and tracking the implementation of the Commission’s recommendations.

Institute for Research in Public Policy (IRPP), “A Roadmap to Long-Term Care Reform”

CFUW, Take Action

CFUW, “Long-Term Care in Canada, What Now? What Next?”

Ontario Health Coalition, Long-Term Care/Chronic Care

(CARP), Long-Term Care

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