CFUW Respectful Treatment Policy

Every person can expect to be treated respectfully in CFUW. Every member, employee, and volunteer has the responsibility to refrain from participating in behaviour that is, or could be perceived to be, disrespectful in nature.

Statement of Commitment

CFUW recognizes its responsibility to build and maintain a diverse, respectful organization where all enjoy an environment in which the dignity and self-respect of every person is valued and which is free of offensive remarks, material or behaviour. We recognize that conflicts and disrespectful behaviour can jeopardize an individual’s dignity, self-esteem and well-being and possibly undermine our CFUW relationships, friendships and productivity. A truly respectful organization requires the cooperation and support from each and every person in the organization. Everyone has a responsibility to set a positive example and behave in a manner which will not offend, embarrass or humiliate others, whether deliberate or unintentional. The principle of fair and respectful treatment is a fundamental one that CFUW commits to uphold for its employees, members and those who work with us. This same commitment must come from all our members, employees, and volunteers. Together we can ensure that every individual is treated respectfully and courteously. The procedures for respectful treatment are found here (.ppt).

CFUW Code of Ethical Behaviour

Statement of Intent

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) places the highest value on the integrity of its employees and members. The purpose of this document is to provide a Code of Ethical conduct and procedure for CFUW stakeholders, all of whom are expected to comply. The CFUW stakeholders are the CFUW members, staff and volunteers.


CFUW members, employees and volunteers are the stakeholders of this code and the code applies to the actions of all stakeholders of the CFUW organization in all circumstances and at every level of the organization. Any organizations or corporations that interface with CFUW will be expected to exhibit similar ethical standards, and CFUW will seek organizations and corporations of similar ethical standards with whom to interface. Click here for the full text of the CFUW Code of Ethical Behaviour.

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